Making a CD! (6)

1 Name: kaorin : 2007-06-04 21:42 ID:V6Ilj3Ck [Del]

It's very exciting, but also hard work!

2 Name: icywindow : 2007-09-11 06:57 ID:NWONNAL8 [Del]

Keep up the good work, it sounds excellent :D

3 Name: kaorin : 2007-09-21 14:44 ID:f4ckGhsr [Del]

Thanks <3~

4 Name: Xeph : 2007-11-05 18:09 ID:qyBiJUn8 [Del]

Just recently found this... hehe. Looking forward to listening to your music

5 Name: suki : 2008-01-16 06:25 ID:oABBJM7M [Del]

Awesome stuff!

6 Name: Anonymous : 2016-03-21 20:46 ID:N8VIDIRf [Del]


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